Thursday, May 26, 2011
Life in the Fast Lane?
Until now. I've just been informed that she has started a blog entitled "Life in the Fast Lane", where presumably, she intends to detail her "life in the fast lane". I suppose that if your blog is called The Razor, you're not left with a lot of highground from which to criticize the name of other blogs, but I do question how someone living "life in the fast lane" has time to blog...
To the extant that our lives overlap, you might find Christena writing about things we've done together, albeit with smaller words and less cumbersome sentences. As yet, there is no content on her blog, only a template and some photographs. (UPDATE: She added her first post.) I suppose that the world wide web, and our relationship, is big enough for one more blog, so let's throw a few web-hits her way. Life in the Fast Lane can be found HERE.
Have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Droid Does
For those of you who didn't hear, I participated in an entirely unplanned, freestyle diving competition this past Saturday, which is a sure fire method for upgrading a Motorola Droid into a fairly expensive paperweight. Fortunately, I had the insurance and the new phone arrived to day. Unfortunately, I've been using a Blackberry the past 4 days in its stead.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the electric chair is more user friendly then a Blackberry. In fact, it's better to have been born deaf and blind then to have been born healthy and find oneself in a 2 year contract with one of those things.
For clarity, my friend Shawn invited me to go fishing this past weekend. When Shawn calls me to go fishing, I know that he's got some crazy idea that none of his real fishing buddies will participate in. Most of the time we end up blazing a trail up some crazy river that hasn't been explored since Hernando de Soto and Ponce de Leon were bumming around this area.
In the past we took a jon boat out into the open sea, so rough that the boat vacillated between being completely underwater and completely out of the water. My personal favorite fishing trip with Shawn started @ 5:30 a.m. in January, and involved me wading through frigid water, a few hundred yards to the boat, as the tide was so low he couldn't come pick me up. Another time we were on the Chipola river and, due to trees falling across the river, were literally having to chainsaw our way upstream. Shawn had one leg in the boat, one leg on a tree, and was chainsawing the tree he was standing on. To my amusement, the tree shifted and simultaneously launched him several feet into the air and pinched the chainsaw blade in such a way that the entire machine was stuck under water. You might be interested to know that when we finally dislodged the saw, he shook some water out of it, cranked it up, and we proceeded on our way.
Last portion of backstory, I promise. Shawn loves to tell the tale of how he busted a shear pin (a little pin that is designed to break when your motor hits something hard, so the expensive parts are not damaged), and didn't have a replacement. His unsuspecting wife was required to remove her bra, from which he took out the supporting wire and fashioned a shear pin to get them home. Romantic...
Anyways, when Shawn calls me to go fishing, I know it's going to be an adventure. When I saw the chainsaw and a bulk pack of shear pins in his boat, my suspicions were confirmed.
At various times throughout our fishing trip, which was on a small river in the panhandle of Florida, we alternated between cutting a path up river, and getting out of the boat and lifting it over lower obstacles. After one such lift, we both attempted to get back into the boat at the same time. Which resulted in a near capsizing of the boat, and the end of my Droid (RIP).
Had a little more, but I just learned that I can't blog photos that are contained only on my phone. First I must upload them somewhere and then tell Blogger the URL. Not willing to make that commitment tonight.
One other weakness of Blogging from my phone? Can't figure out how to spellcheck. (Update: I ran spellcheck this morning when I got to work. Major problems!)
Oh Well.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Luvinator 2: Grudgement Day
I'm sure you haven't been frantically hitting you refresh key to read my wit. No you came for the photos!
First, the child. As you can see, DNA testing was not required to confirm that Arnold was the father:
Clearly steroid use runs in the family...
And the mistress? Something Arnold said about the beast in Predator comes to mind. Sadly, the language precludes me from using it...

Ok, here's the real photo of the mistress and the child:
Dear Maria Shriver,
When your housekeeper's son looks exactly like your husband, that probably isn't a coincidence.
Until next time...
Christina, Schwarzenegger, and Saleh - Which name are you most confused by?
For those of you who are interested in exactly what happened, she assured me that it is nothing that I did or said. Rather, she found what she believes to be a better opportunity, and I wish her well. As proof that there are no hard feelings, she agreed to continue her role through the customary 2 week notice, while I seek to replace her.
With that in mind, please bear with me over the next few weeks, until things get back to normal. If you sense a more somber tone in the Razor, I'm sorry. I hope to be back to my normal self sooner, rather than later...
I am going to withhold judgement, and the corresponding Razor post, on Arnold Schwarzenegger and his love-child, until I see what the woman looks like. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Longtime Slicers will no doubt be familiar with the name Amrullah Saleh, one of my personal heroes. He is the former Afghan Intelligence Chief, and I have written about him, and embedded his videos, many times in the past. Recall that he resigned his official post last summer and since then has been working with grass-roots groups to continue the pro-democracy, anti-Taliban movement in Afghanistan.
As he is no longer involved with Afghan government, it has become increasing difficult to get reliable intelligence on his activities. Luckily, I have developed a pen-pal relationship with someone who knows him and I have tried to keep you updated whenever I learn something new. As an aside, Saleh has all of my contact information, and selfishly, I pray that one day I'll hear from him.
He appeared on 60 Minutes this past weekend, and for your convenience, I've provided the video here:
If you would like to see portions of the Saleh interviews that didn't make the 60 Minutes episode, click here.
As I feared, even though he is no longer a part of the Afghan Government, the Taliban continues with their attempts to kill him. For me, the most interesting portion of the video was when, 5 years ago, he told then-Pakistani President Musharef that bin Laden was not hiding in the caves along the Pak-Afghan border, but rather, was hiding in Manshera. Manshera, as it turns out, is located less than 10 miles from where bin Laden was ultimately found...
Also, it's nice to see Lara Logan back at work on 60 Minutes.
It was my intention for the opening section of this Razor post to cause a great deal of confusion. You see, it's not my girlfriend who is moving on, but my Administrative Assistant. Discerning Slicer's might have noticed the slight variation in spelling. My girlfriend spells her name Christena, while my co-worker uses the more conventional version, Christina. Thankfully, they are pronounced the same, which has helped me to avoid some potentially awkward situations. My apologies to any single ladies whose hopes were raised by any misunderstanding...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Situation Room, Dogs of War, and a Backhanded Compliment
That's right dear Slicers, your eyes are not deceiving you, while our Navy Seals were shooting and looting their way through Osama bin Laden's $1,000,000 compound, I mean 3rd-world shack, the National Security Council of The United States of America was easing the tension by reading the Razor!
Like the rest of the intel we have received about the raid, it is not clear exactly which post they were amusing themselves with. Based on the look on Hillary Clinton's face, I assume they were reading this post, where I detail my international web-hits and Joe Biden, who is a moron, mentioned me for the Secretary of State job. Another possibility is that they were reading the post about the 5 year anniversary since the sitting Vice-President shot a US citizen in the face (here).
Whatever they were reading, I'm was just glad to do my part in the Overseas Contingency Operation (formerly known as the War on Terror...). Mr. President, you are welcome.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of Kinetic Military Action.
In a post few weeks ago (here), I was trying to make fun of political correctness and the unwillingness of the current administration to use the word "war". The original phrase, "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs war" comes from William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar". Specifically, Act 3, Scene 1, if you've forgotten your 9th grade English Lit.
Now that we've got photo-evidence that the President reads the Razor, it should be no surprise that he did indeed, cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war. As I wrote last week, there was a canine involved in the raid on bin Laden. Since I've already set a new Razor record for linking my own articles, I'll not link the post from where I wrote about the dog with full body armor and titanium teeth. If you want to read the post, scroll down. I do, however, have a bit of an update. Thankfully, in the form of photos:
Zoom in, if you must, those teeth are metal!
It would be unfair for me to take full credit for the pro-democracy demonstrations occurring throughout the Middle-East or for the successful operation to eliminate bin Laden. There are/were a great many people involved. I'm just glad to fan the flames of the former and contribute key mission details to the latter.
Lest any of you feel that I'm getting a bit of a big head due to the success of the Razor, and the impact I'm making on the globe, fear not. My family keeps me grounded. While eating dinner with my parents on Sunday night, my father said, "I've been reading your posts on the Razor recently, you've had some pretty funny stuff." My mom chimes in, "I really like bin Laden's Facebook status in your recent post.
That was the portion of that post that I didn't create! Clearly I stated that someone else did that work! Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Friday, May 6, 2011
bin Laden, Monkees vs. Dogs, Horses, &c...
Late Sunday evening as the news reports were rolling in, I wrote a joke (mentally) about bin Laden's body temperature equaling room temperature, rendering him useless in his farce of Jihad. Sadly, we dumped him at sea before I could publish my joke. Rewritten as body temperature equaling sea temperature, the joke falls flat. Oh well.
Did you see his tombstone? Here is a photo:
Also, his Facebook status, which has been passed to me from quite a few people is quite funny. In case you haven't seen it:

Props to whoever created that...
While reading some of the coverage of the Seal Team raid, I was reminded of this story (here). The gist of the story for those too lazy to click the link? When the US went to war against Saddam Hussein in 2003, the government of Morocco offer to assist us by providing 2000 monkeys who were trained in detonating land mines. At the time, I wondered how you trained a monkey to detonate a land mine and still had enough of him left to provide the US war effort. I suppose I still wonder about that...
Anyways, what brought this to mind was the report, yet to be redacted*, that the Seals took a dog with them on the raid. And not just any dog, a super-dog with full body armor and titanium teeth. You can read more about him here. They've apparently trained these dogs to wear oxygen masks when making High-Altitude Parachute jumps and they can smell the enemy from up to 2 miles away. Meanwhile, the nation of Morocco has a brigade of 1 armed monkeys. It's good to be a superpower...
Are you ready for the Kentucky Derby? I'm getting there. I'll be tweeting my picks for this years' race one hour before post time if you wanna follow me. If you have to get your picks in earlier than that, it's usually safe to go with whichever horse Calvin Borel is riding. That dude is money at Churchill Downs. FYI, he'll be riding "Twice the Appeal". Not a great horse and coming from all the way out west, I don't like his chances, but if Calvin works his Kentucky Magic again, payday...
I'll see ya.
* I would imagine, like everything else with the bin Laden story, this will be redacted soon, but in the meantime, we're fighting the War on Terror with a dog that has titanium teeth!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
TheStrowd goes Tornadoing (sp?)
Thank you for all the e-mails of concern. I'm sorry I've not been able to respond to each of you, but I appreciate your writing. Yes, I live in Alabama, which last week was hit by a record number of tornadoes. However, I live in S. Alabama and we came through fine. My family is all OK too.
TheStrowd and his wife were effected by the tornado, but they survived. When I finally got through to Michael, he relayed the following story to me.
The afternoon of the storm, he looked out the front door of their house, saw a tornado bearing down on their area, and frantically attempted to gather Kelli and Chloe (dog) into the car so they could head for safety. Kelli, steely-eyed in the face of danger, kindly told Michael that she was not finished styling her hair and she wasn't going anywhere until her pigtails were perfectly braided.
Sadly, the extra 5 minutes she required to get ready allowed the tornado to completely engulf them. They were sucked up into the storm and violently carried several miles before being dumped into a muddy swamp. They had a few cuts, scratches, bumps, and bruises but other than that they were OK. Michael didn't tell me, but I'm pretty sure he was hungry.
Dazed and confused from their ordeal, they decided to wait for rescuers to reach them. After several hours in the mud, Michael and Kelli suffered the humiliation of being rescued by a group of Alabama Crimson Tide Fans. Here is a photo from the dramatic rescue:
Shockingly, her pigtails still look great!
Another photo, this one of TheStrowd, with his rescuer:
That guy has no idea how dangerous it is to hold a hot dog so close to Michael.
You might think that after experiencing a near death experience, TheStrowd would have been given some perspective on the Alabama/Auburn rivalry. It was not to be. Here is the direct quote that he relayed to me:
"I would have rather died than been saved by an Alabama fan. I know the Lord promises to never give us more than we can bear, but this is almost too much. I'm hungry."
To TheStrowd, my parents, and all of the other volunteers who are helping with the rebuilding process, I salute you. You make up for lazy people like me. To the victims of the storms, I'm sorry for what you're going through. If you need somewhere to live, you must need only present yourself at my doorstep (limit of 6). You'll be fed/sheltered until you find it convenient to leave.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Weekend #Winners: Obama and The Earth; Weekend losers: bin Laden and The Donald
Osama bin Laden
I know we're supposed to spell it Usama now, but I'm a traditionalist. As an aside, do you know why they changed it from Osama to Usama? Simple, the auto-correct feature inherent in today's technological devices auto-corrects Osama to Obama without notifying the user. Usama, I'm told, auto-corrects to "dirty wizard". Wacky.
Props to Obama for the way this was handled. I'm in the process of reading a book about the Kennedy Administration's Bay of Pigs fiasco, so I understand that this was a tough decision. I read a report this morning that the original plan called for two B-2 Bombers to deliver two dozen 2000 pound bombs to bin Laden's country estate. While I would've liked to have seen that footage, I'm glad that Obama pulled the plug on that plan and opted for the Seal Team. In hindsight, it's obvious they did the right thing. Last week, I'm sure hands were wrung and sleep was lost.
If you want more info on Seal Team 6, I'd recommend anything written by Richard Marcinko. He founded the team and his books, while fiction, do a nice job of detailing the methods and capabilities of the seals.
Did you hear about the guy who inadvertently live-blogged the assault via Twitter? (here) I love technology. Reminds me of last weekend when I was busy minding my own business and got sucked into an international affair (not that kind of affair) with Adam Lambert. This dude was just hanging out in Abottabad, Pakistan heard choppers and explosions, and let his fingers do the talking.
While the gentlemen mentioned above might have been the 1st to tweet about the invasion, he was definately not the last. A couple funny tweets I saw:
@binLaden - I retire as hide-and-seek champion of the world.
@GWBush - Sitting on the porch at Crawford Ranch, pounding non-alcoholic beer with my Toby Keith CD cranked up to 11!
A couple personal observations. A mansion located on 2 acres of land on the outskirts of town, without telephone or Internet service. That is exactly where I live! Of course, I don't consider my place a mansion exactly but it's a heckuva lot nicer than the pictures I saw of Osama's place. Further, I live alone so my square foot to resident ratio is 3000/1. Looked like Osama had them packed in there like sardines.
Memo to the Seals: If it gets to the point that my place needs a good invading, please park your choppers out front. I've spent the better part of 2 years planting and watering 200 trees in my backyard and I fear my level of resistance will be directly proportional to the damage your prop-wash does to my forest/gardens.
Finally, I've had about a half dozen web-hits from Pakistan in the past few weeks. I was operating under the assumption that it was bin Laden, but we now know that he didn't have access to the web at his compound, so I suppose he's not a big fan of bad satire and typos...
Outside of Christena's son Taylor and the occasional dinner with my nieces, I, fortunately, don't spend much time with children. So this weekend, one of Taylor's friends came over to play with him. The kid bought two pine-box derby cars that he'd made. A more child-friendly adult would've had the wisdom to say something like, "I like your cars". Not me. I said, "I'm envious of your cars." Harmless right?
Wrong. This little brat proceeds to tell me that I shouldn't covet my neighbors' possessions and I was breaking a 10 Commandment. He has no idea how close I came to either, breaking the murder commandment, or breaking his cars. Luckily for him, it was time for us to leave. So he, along with his cars, was spared. I was glad to hear that he didn't win any of his pine-box races...
Did you see the video of Obama's speech at the White House Correspondent's dinner? It was remarkably funny. Donald Trump, who was in attendance, was surprised that he was the butt of so many of the jokes. Offended so much that he later spoke out against the speech.
Donald, your entire life and career is one big joke. This farce of a presidential campaign your running? Joke. Your personal appearance? Joke. Buzz off.