While I appreciate the fervency with which you support this blog, I've decided to ask, as nicely as possible, that you NOT send me an email every time Jesse Jackson (Jr. of Sr.) has an affair. My inbox runneth over to the point that I'm not currently able to discern my junk e-mail from my really junky e-mail.
I know that I've begged and pleaded over the past several months for a political sex scandal to cover. And I know that I can read all about a “a private and personal matter between Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife that was handled some time ago” here, here, and here. I am also aware that this particular "private and personal matter" is a “petite, eye-catching Latin American blonde" named Giovanni Huidobro. Further, I completely understand that Jesse Jr. had one of his fundraisers fly Ms. Huidobro to Chicago several times. And yes, this is the same fundraiser who offered to pay $6,000,000 to Rod Blagojevich in exchange for appointing Jesse to a U.S. Senate seat. Finally, I'm aware that I could draw interesting parallels between Jesse Jr & Sr. and their respective infidelities.
It's not that I don't appreciate all the e-mails I received. I do, but there are two primary reasons that I chose not to cover this (non)event.
1. To fully cover the affairs of both Jesse's would require a full time blog, and perhaps a dedicated e-mail address, and that is a commitment that I'm not willing to make.
2. Calling Jesse Jr. a politician is libelous of politicians everywhere. Just as referring to Jesse Sr. as Reverend is slanderous of pastors...
Thank you for your cooperation with regard to this matter,
Adam Thomas
In an effort to head off a couple dozen e-mails asking the proverbial, "What does she look like?" I offer this:
Jesse Jr's Mistress, Giovanni Huidobro:

Jesse Sr's Mistress, (and mother of his love child) Karin Stanford:

Without making judgement of Messrs. Jackson taste, it would appear that in this case the apple fell both not far, and far from the tree...
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