In a vain attempt to intimidate the rest of the nation, Oregon made a gangster rap video to support their team. Enjoy:
Dear Oregon,
Good job on the video. If you care for a little unsolicited advice, next year don't draft your 'gangsters' from the AV club. Unless Eminem is enrolled at your school, NO WHITE RAPPERS. While the production value of your video is off the chart, you lose 'street cred' taunting us with a bunch of Frat boys.
Further, I take issue with your premise. Return of the Quack? Doesn't the word "return" imply that you've been there before? Prior to this year no one outside of the Pacific Northwest would've known you even had a team if one of your Quackers hadn't punched a Boise State player in the face!
At least we Auburn fans can cling to 1957...
You've got some smoking hot cheerleaders though. I wouldn't mind comforting a couple of them after the "Random SEC Team Lays a Smackdown on the Rest of the Country Game", also known as the BCS Championship.
In fairness, you're not the only school with hot cheerleaders:

While researching this post, I was surprised to learn that Auburn University and the University of Oregon formed a partnership to display our National Championship Trophy's together. Here is said display:

Talk of the College Football National Championship would be incomplete without a tip of the hat to the Crimson Tide. By my calculation they have won 51 National Championships and are to be saluted. (How to arrive at 51? They've won 6 or 7 and claim 6 or 7 more. I then awarded them every trophy form 1831 - 1869, the years between the University's founding and the first champion being named. Just because no one in the nation saw fit to crown a college football champion is no reason to penalize Alabama. I'm sure they'd have won most of them anyway.)
With the Iron Bowl still a month away, it has not yet been determined which team from the State of Alabama will win the National Title this year, but for the pre-game Music Video contest, here are our entries:
The Roll Tide Rap
Tiger Walk
I think it's safe to assume that the team winning the National Title will also take home a Grammy.
Those readers noticing that I plagiarized about half of this post are encouraged to keep that information to themselves.
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