Last weekend my family and I met up in Montgomery to celebrate my birthday. We took the kids to the zoo and capped off the day with a delicious dinner. We were joined at dinner by The Strowd and his wife Kelli, who as it turns out, is not expecting...
After dinner, The Strowd told me that he and some of his friends were going camping the weekend of March 5th, and would I like to go with them. I thought about it for a quick second, realized that I had that weekend free, and said I would go. Quickly my Mom jumped in and reminded me that she and Dad were planning to visit me that weekend, so I wouldn't be able to make the campout. No big deal, I'd just forgot...
Next day I get a call from The Strowd that went something like this:
"Hey Adam, remember that time we were at you 34th birthday party and you said you'd like to go camping with me but your mom said you couldn't? That was cool. You can be sure that when I turn 34 I won't be letting my mom decide what I can and can't do."
He has a wife for that...
Earlier this week I learned through Facebook, and confirmed via Twitter, that Aaron Bostic (previously featured on the Razor: here) is getting married. So my condolences to the single ladies of the Wiregrass area... The lucky lady is Chelly Mkmoy [EDIT: in the original post I used her real name, but she asked me to change it. It seems she was getting lots of hateful phone calls and emails from jealous girls (and some jealous guys)].
When the details of his bachelor party emerge, I'll let you know. Early indications that he will exotically dance for himself...
In case the previous section caused some confusion, I still don't have Facebook. Christena relayed the information to me...
Since it doesn't look like I'll ever join up, I'll release this prank for you Facebookers to use in your free time. I used to do it all the time on MySpace, and it was lots of fun.
Step One: Browse random profiles until you find a random girl who's profile picture looks something like this:
Two attractive girls that you don't know...
Step Two: Send her a private message that says, " What's up girl? In your profile pic, are you the girl on the right or the left?"
Step Three: This is the important part! No matter which girl she claims to be, you email her back with this: "Ok, nevermind."
Step Four: Spend several minutes basking in the glory of crushing another persons self-esteem.
Like I said, I spent many a Saturday morning doing this and oddly, it never got old.
Do you see that Red Tab on the left hand side of the Razor? It usually has a 1 in it, but I've seen it as high as 9 or 10. That tells you how many people are on the Razor right now! When you're done reading this post, click on the tab. It will direct you to a page where you can see a map that indicates all of the places in the world where people have Sliced from. (Due to a billing snafu, my map reset a few months ago and I lost all of my hits from Borneo, Korea, Eastern Europe, &c.) Anyways, see that star over the People's Republic of Iran? That's new!
Now that I know the Razor is really taking off in the Middle East, I've decided to stop posting about the various ongoing revolutions. Why? If Iranians want information on revolutions, they must needs only look outside. They come to the Razor for the same reason everyone else does, Hilarity...
Ladies, you didn't think I'd end this post without giving you one picture of Aaron did you? He's dreamy...