To recap, on Thursday I decided to go to Belize for the weekend and bought a plane ticket. Friday morning I flew to Belize City. Friday afternoon I took various buses into the jungle of Belize where I was dropped off a couple miles from my destination. Hitchhiked the last two miles. Spent Saturday hiking and repelling in the rain forest. Sunday I returned home.
Upon my return I was greeted by the news that Gov. Sanford (R-S.C.) had been missing for nearly a week. He told his staff he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. The married Governor eventually surfaced in S.America in the arms of his Argentinian lover.
At the time my friend Dave and I laughed about how "hiking the Appalachian trail" was innuendo for having an affair. Also, I thought it was kinda cool that I could sneak down to Latin America for the weekend without having to do a tear-filled press conference when I got home.
Due to term limits, the now-divorced Gov. Sanford is not able to run for re-election this year. Lining up to take his place are a whole host of South Carolinians. The front runner, Nikki Haley
Despite receiving endorsements from the likes of Sarah Palin and Mitt Rommney (the two best looking Governors we've ever had), Mrs. Haley decided to go above and beyond the call of duty in declaring her qualifications to serve as Sanford's replacement. Today, we learn that Mrs. Haley had "an inappropriate physical relationship" with BLOGGER Will Folks.
In today's political environment most candidates are willing to say or do almost anything to get elected, but very few are willing to sacrifice a wonderful family and loving marriage to do so. Mrs. Haley is to be saluted.
I know what you are wondering. "What does she look like?" Good question.
This is what she looked like last week:

This is what she'll look like after the legal proceedings:

I realize that politicians having affairs is nothing new. We citizens of The United States have long been disappointed by the morality of our leaders. I am (fortunately) unable to find anything risque involving Washington or Adams but Thomas Jefferson more than made up for their apparent matrimonial faithfulness. In more recent times it's been John Edwards (Rielle Hunter) and Barack Obama (Vera Baker). So, it's not the actual infidelities I'm concerned with here. What alarms me is the potential for politicians to desire sex with bloggers. If this develops into a fad, I may have to shut The Razor down. I've glanced through the congressional rolls just long enough to get an upset stomach. Even worse, my home state leads the nation in freaky looking leaders (Hairy Ann Smith).
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