...In addition to freedom loving people of Jordan, I wish to show my support for the revolution in Syria. The bloodthirsty dictator there is Bashar al-Assad. It is my hope that in the aftermath of the Syrian revolt Mr. al-Assad ends up dangling from the end of a rope. His wife, Asma al-Assad, on the other hand, if she wishes, can live the remainder of her life in exile in Alabama. Here is a photograph of Ms. al-Assad and her favorite purse:

As yet, I have not been able to look up pictures of the other ruling-women of revolution filled Middle-Eastern countries. However, if the appearance of these two is any indication, I'll extend a standing invitation for any displaced queens, first ladies, &c. to take up residence at my place.
I thought I might give you a quick update on the Revolution still ongoing in Syria where the situation has turned dramatically for the worse as the obviously tortured body of a small, 12 year old
boy, Hamza al Khatib,has appeared on various social media connections exposing the savagery of the Assad regime there in an all-too-graphic manner. Khatib had apparently taken part in anti-government demonstrations several weeks ago; was captured by government agents and was tortured... massively and brutally, to the point where even his genitals were cut off before his body was delivered to his parents!
Obviously, the death of this child was intended to be a signal by the Assad regime to all of those taking part in anti-government demonstrations that this is the fate they may be exposing themselves to should they continue. However, Hamza al-Khatib has instead become a symbol to the people of Syria that the Assad regime is illegitimate and must be overturned.
Best indications are that Ms. Assad did flee the country, not to my house, but to her native London. At one time there was hope that Bashar Assad (and his wife) would bring Syria into the modern world and would turn away from the violence and torture that marked his father’s regime. Those hopes have been dashed. Chaos is now the order of the day and there is no way out from that chaos other than via more and more violence until the regime falls... and it will fall; of that you can be sure.
And what they did to that boy? Unforgivable. There will be an especially hot corner of the Muslim version of Hell reserved for Assad and his lackeys.
On a less serious note, I've noticed that over the past few years the softball complex has become a really bad place to romantically pursue young women. All the girls who hang out at the park are either there to watch their husbands/boyfriends or are not biologically inclined to have a husband/boyfriend.
It's gotten to the point that referring to a female as a softball player is roughly the equivalent of snatching them out of the "closet". In fact, last year (was it 2 years ago?) when President Obama picked Sonia Sotomayor to be a Supreme Court Justice, the Drudge Report came under attack for showing a picture of her playing softball. Supposedly, this was an backhanded effort to undermine her nomination to the Supreme Court, by pointing out to the public that she is a lesbian. Except she isn't. Perhaps if they would've shown a video of her throwing like a girl, she would've been deemed straight...
This was an attempt, albeit cumbersome, to segue into this news article, which is hilarious. You can find it here, but I'll reproduce portions of it for you:
Judge Rules Gay League Can Limit Number of Heterosexual Players
The ruling was announced after three bisexual men claimed they were kicked out of the Gay Softball World Series for not being gay enough...
The men claim they were "summoned to a hearing room to answer questions about their sexual interests or attractions...
The men said they were told that "this is the Gay World Series, not the Bisexual World Series...
This brings to mind several questions. How gay is gay enough? Where/when is the Bisexual World Series held? Are the feelings of camaraderie that I hold for my teammates actually something more than just camaraderie?
That's all I've got time for today. I'm leaving for Costa Rica tomorrow. It's my hope that I'll have enough free time and Internet access to keep you update on the goings-on of Central America. If not, see ya soon enough...
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