Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Razor Goes Global...

Sorry, I've been trying to keep a low profile these last couple weeks. As you know, there is a little html code embedded in my website that allows me to keep track of where my web-traffic is coming from. In an effort to fuel my ego, I check my "hit map" about once a week to see if I'm getting any unusual activity. I'm pretty sure that I provided the 1st two international hits, having visited the Razor from S. Korea and Malaysia. Occasionally, over the past year, I would get a hit from a foreign country, but my map was pretty blank.

And then, on March 16th, I wrote this. A stupid little post making fun of the Italian Prime Minister and offering asylum to two Middle-Eastern Queens. My map went nuts. I added about 25 countries in less than a week. Some of the countries were not the kind of places where you wanna piss people off... Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, &c. have fairly strict rules about soliciting their women to come live with you, so I developed a little paranoia.

Further, I made it pretty easy to find out exactly where I live...

I'm hopeful that the Italians aren't mad about what I wrote. Surely the mafia has more important things to worry about than me. However, anyone viewing my much photoshopped profile picture might think that I'm actually an attractive guy, so I'm a little concerned that Berlusconi, having already bedded most Italians, might want to sex me up a little bit.

So I have a message for jealous Sultans and libidinous Prime Ministers. We're rednecks down here. We don't take kindly to cranky Muslims or over-sexed elderly Italianos. If you come prancing onto Helms Rd, wearing your fancy vests (suicide or other), prepare to be greeted by buck shot...

To the fine people of Israel, Cyprus, Turkey, Macedonia, Australia, New Zealand, Morocco (finally hit the continent of Africa), Spain, France, Portugal, Ukraine, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Barbados (I hope it was Rihanna), India, and Hong Kong, welcome to the Razor, the (now) world-famous-tongue-in-cheek-narcissistic home page of yours truly... I hope you stick around. And translate this nonsense into your native tongues to be distributed among the masses. And send me $100,000 to subscribe to Adam's Razor Platinum.

Still haven't flushed out the Slicer(s) from Menasha, WI. I'm starting to think that there is a wire crossed on the Internet. I know that years ago when I worked for a company based in St. Louis, my computer in Alabama had a Missouri IP address. So it's possible that whoever is being logged as Menasha, is doing so inadvertently...

Watched a few minutes of American Idol last night... I haven't seen enough of it this season to comment on the contestants, but I had a couple thoughts on the judges. I really like what Simon has done with his hair and Paula looks waaaaayyyy better. Randy, you're still my dog, but you're not keeping pace.


That seems to be all I've got for now...

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