Monday, September 20, 2010

An Ode to Autotune

If you're like me, you no doubt consider "auto-tune" to be the greatest invention of our time. I just put an auto-tuner in my shower. That thing sounds sweet and I'm the cleanest I've been in quite sometime. In addition, I'm the only person I know who does the Re-mix first. For your enjoyment, I've included an audio clip of what I refer to as "Adam's Auto-Tune Shower Sessions Vol I".

Over the past few months it occurred to me several times that my readers would probably prefer to hear most of my more serious posts in Auto-tune. Then I got to thinking, "Why stop with just my Slicers?" There is a whole nation of young people who don't watch the news because it's boring (or because Reginald Jones gives them nightmares). With this in mind, I wanted to start a website called "Auto-tune the News". Imagine my surprise when I learned that someone beat me to it. Here is one of their recent videos:

(They are slightly more advanced with their video capabilities, so perhaps it's best that they thought of it first.)

Yes Christena, that is your favorite band Weezer. You're welcome.

Remember a couple weeks ago when I wrote that rambling incoherence about Quran (Koran?) burning? Isn't this like, 5 times better?

Might be kind of slow on Razor posts the next couple weeks, it's not safe to blog from the shower...

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