The crash and burn potential for this particular post is quite high. The concept is to post a screenshot of the Drudge Report and make jokes about the headlines. Unfortunately, the screen shot isn't particularly clear so the probability that this becomes a jumbled mess is north of 90%.
Here is our screenshot. For clarity I've reproduced and numbered the headlines (below).

- Zuckerman: The American Dream has become a Nightmare... I feel like Rip Van Winkle. Wake me up in 2012.
- Buffett: We're still in a Recession... They don't call him the "Sage of Omaha" for nothing.
- "Toilet Paper Bandit" faces jail time... Six months of 1 ply oughta do the trick.
- Man arrested for scuffle -- with pet parrot... The victims testimony should be interesting, and repetitive.
- US walks out on Ahmedinejad speech... That'll teach him!
- UPDATE: China-Pakistan reactor deal to open fresh US rift... Really? A rift between the US and China (Pakistan)? How could this happen?
- ... Appearance causes mixed feelings. No idea what this is about.
- Spitzer: Cuomo "Dirtiest", "Nastiest" of Politicians... Dirtier and Nastier than cheating on your wife with a prostitute? That is bad.
- Cuomo Enters Mudslinging Fest with New Attack Ad... What do you expect from the a fellow Dirtier and Nastier than Spitzer?
- "Mom's Gone Crazy" 4 Killed in Seattle Shooting... Soccer practice rained out, long line at Starbucks...
- Beijing faces worsening traffic gridlock... Rickshaws on the right of way.
- Busted by YOUTUBE: Florida mother caught cheering on daughter in teen brawl... (video and salty language here) Get her Sara! Get her Sara! Uh, Sara, can you come get me out of jail?
- One percent of UK people openly Gay or Lesbian... 1%? From the nation that brought us George Michael and Boy George? At least 9% of UK people are in a well decorated closet.
- Nudists, swingers at war in France... Cheap airfare to France can be found here.
- 'Cedes control of finances' to Govt... Our Elderly did that 70+ years ago...
- Nasal Spray 'to cure shyness'... I thought that was called Cocaine?
- ANOTHER JUMPS: AXELROD OUT Axelrod Out, Combovers In
- Bill Ayers denied emeritus status... And the holocaust...
Best comment wins a free item from the giftshop.
that's a clever idea.
You're welcome.
15. Ah, Gay Paris...
3. "Toilet Papaer Bandit" faces jail time....Yeah, I'm guessing "stole some toilet paper" is not the answer he will be giving cellmates to the question "what you in for".
10. "Mom's Gone Crazy" 4 killed in Seatlle Shooting... Sounds like the Seatle schools car pick up line is about like ours.
12. Judge forbids woman from ever owning horses after abuse...For God's sake, please tell me she doesn't live in Tijuana.
13. Gene flaw confirmed as rednecked mother cheers on rednecked daughter In teen cat fight.
16. Queen has plan to open Buckingham Palace to the homeless and us Poverty funds to provide heat.
3. "Toilet Paper Bandit" sentenced to jail time and ordered to practice the bathroom habits of the people of Southeast Asia.
14, Don't ask don't tell policy leads to one percent of UK people being openly Gay or Lesbian.
5. Free coffee @ Starbucks causes US to walk out on Ahmedinejad speech.
3. Auburn wins again
13. Allegations fly as JWMMA reveals it's latest fight card. The Tale of the Tape shows Cassie outweighing Sarah by fifty pounds. Despite impressive takedowns and a full mount, Cassie is unable to finish the flyweight. In a related story, Ethan got bitchin' new exhaust, pussies.
This mom is out of her mind. The instructions were to 'hide yo kids cause the rapin errbody out here.' She bess not brang that shizz to Lincoln Park.
13. This mom is out of her mind. The instructions were to 'hide ya kids cause the rapin errbody out here.' She bess not brang that shizz to Lincoln Park.
11. In an attempt to alleviate the congestion, Chinese officials have proposed construction of multibillion yen bypass around the city. US diplomatic consultant Ross Clark advises against the panacea: '..they build one Chic-Fil-A and you guys are screwed.'
3. This guy makes Patrick Tribett seem like a rocket scientist.
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