Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alvin Greene, Fun with FWD:

Did you watch “Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” on MSNBC last night? Neither did anyone else. Except for me.

After leading my softball team to two glorious victories, taking 4th place in a poker tournament, beating two of my best friends in a heated match of Golden Tee, and eating an after midnight supper at Taco Bell (XXL Chalupa), I came to the realization that, while it was primarily heartburn induced, I was the only person still awake. As penance for my misdeeds, I sentenced myself to watching the late night news programs...

Which for a political satire blogger is like being thrown into the proverbial briar patch.

You might remember the posts I wrote in June (here's one) concerning the sordid politics of South Carolina. Specifically, I hope you'll recall the curious case of Alvin Greene.

Alvin M. Greene, is the Democrat running for Senate in South Carolina who won his parties nomination despite not campaigning at all. He never gave a speech, he didn't start a Web site or hire consultants or plant lawn signs. Indeed, the unemployed military veteran could not name a single specific thing he'd done to campaign. Yet more than 100,000 South Carolinians voted for him, handing him nearly 60 percent of the vote and a resounding victory over Vic Rawl, a former judge who has served four terms in the state legislature.

In the general election next month he will face Jim DeMint. Last night he was interviewed on “Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” and I was lucky enough to see it. In the history of bizarre political interviews, this one is up there with the weirdest of them:

Shame on Jim DeMint for starting the recession.

Fun with FWD:

I'll assume most of you have received a text message that starts off FWD:, and is then immediately followed by the original message. For those of you not text savvy, if you get a text message and want to share it with a friend, you can forward it. The recipient knows it is a "forward" because of the FWD at the beginning.

A couple years ago I developed a FWD: prank technique and I thought I would share it with you now. To successfully utilize this technique, all you must do is type FWD: and then a funny message. Here's a good example:

My friend Jack (not his real name) and his girlfriend Jill (not her real name) broke up with each other after dating for a couple years. Having significant experience in the breakup department myself, I knew how much he was hurting. In an effort to cheer him up, I sent him this:

FWD: Hey, I guess you heard Jack and I broke up. What are you doing this Friday night?

While hilarious, this is not the first of my pranks to backfire, nor the first one to result in a domestic altercation. While I laughed out loud at my joke, my enthusiasm was somewhat tempered when I learned of the verbal assault that descended on poor Jill.

To continue the Slicer participation theme that the Razor has adopted lately, you are encouraged to attempt a "FWD:prank" and detail it for our enjoyment in the comments section.


Kimberly said...

Alvin Greene = "I love lamp." If SC votes him into the senate, everyone in that state should be sterilized. I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Dear Kimberly and the one or two others who might have read this blog, I felt it only appropriate that I clear up a clouded statement in the 10-12 Razor post. Being the faithful friend and supporter that I am, I headed to Westgate Park last night to support "The Adam Thomas and other's Softball Team" I was able to stay for the full first game, but due to my responsibilities at home as a wife and mother I had to tear myself away from the exciting Dothan sporting event and head home. Before I left though, I seem to remember something that is contradicting to one of the statements in the post...Quoting Mr. Thomas, "I led MY softball team to two glories victories." It seems as if the lack of sleep last night or the severe heartburn from the XXL Chalupa from Taco Bell has distorted Mr. Thomas' memory. The way I remember it and the large croud(at least hundreds) that came out to watch Adam and HIS team play, is Adam leading his team to the second victory from the bleachers with a fruit punch gatorade in his hand. I actually remember him bumming the $2.00 off of his successful and attractive girlfriend, Christena, to be able to buy the gatorade. I know what some of you are thinking, AK, is it really necessary to point out such a small lie, fib or disillusion? The truth is, I took an oathe as a Journalism/PR graduate from Troy University that I always report the facts and so I really didn't have a choice but to reveal the truth to you tonight. The two players that really pulled off the two glories victories last night were Cindy and Brittany. Ladies, if keep playing like you did last night, I will have some scouts out to see you play next Monday. -AK

Adam said...

FWD: Yes. Amy likes to talk alot. It appears she also likes to type alot.
XXOO, Christena

cyberjohn said...

I'm used to the embellished softball stories but the video by "Big Al" Is by far the most insane video I have ever seen. I know I am certainly dumber for having watched it. Thanks Adam, I didn't have any brain cells to spare with all the diet cokes I've had. I had one more point but can't remember it at the moment.

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