Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christina, Schwarzenegger, and Saleh - Which name are you most confused by?

Let's start with a sad housekeeping item. Christina, who has been a valued member of my team for quite some time, has informed me that she is moving on, seeking the comfort of greener pastures. It is with a heavy heart that I let her go.

For those of you who are interested in exactly what happened, she assured me that it is nothing that I did or said. Rather, she found what she believes to be a better opportunity, and I wish her well. As proof that there are no hard feelings, she agreed to continue her role through the customary 2 week notice, while I seek to replace her.

With that in mind, please bear with me over the next few weeks, until things get back to normal. If you sense a more somber tone in the Razor, I'm sorry. I hope to be back to my normal self sooner, rather than later...

I am going to withhold judgement, and the corresponding Razor post, on Arnold Schwarzenegger and his love-child, until I see what the woman looks like. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Longtime Slicers will no doubt be familiar with the name Amrullah Saleh, one of my personal heroes. He is the former Afghan Intelligence Chief, and I have written about him, and embedded his videos, many times in the past. Recall that he resigned his official post last summer and since then has been working with grass-roots groups to continue the pro-democracy, anti-Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

As he is no longer involved with Afghan government, it has become increasing difficult to get reliable intelligence on his activities. Luckily, I have developed a pen-pal relationship with someone who knows him and I have tried to keep you updated whenever I learn something new. As an aside, Saleh has all of my contact information, and selfishly, I pray that one day I'll hear from him.

He appeared on 60 Minutes this past weekend, and for your convenience, I've provided the video here:

If you would like to see portions of the Saleh interviews that didn't make the 60 Minutes episode, click here.

As I feared, even though he is no longer a part of the Afghan Government, the Taliban continues with their attempts to kill him. For me, the most interesting portion of the video was when, 5 years ago, he told then-Pakistani President Musharef that bin Laden was not hiding in the caves along the Pak-Afghan border, but rather, was hiding in Manshera. Manshera, as it turns out, is located less than 10 miles from where bin Laden was ultimately found...

Also, it's nice to see Lara Logan back at work on 60 Minutes.


It was my intention for the opening section of this Razor post to cause a great deal of confusion. You see, it's not my girlfriend who is moving on, but my Administrative Assistant. Discerning Slicer's might have noticed the slight variation in spelling. My girlfriend spells her name Christena, while my co-worker uses the more conventional version, Christina. Thankfully, they are pronounced the same, which has helped me to avoid some potentially awkward situations. My apologies to any single ladies whose hopes were raised by any misunderstanding...


Christina said...

Well, it took me leaving to make it on his blog. I don't know whether to take offense or not at the fact I've done nothing over the course of a year to deem worthy of being flogged...or in this case blogged.

Christena said...

I would say that you should consider it an accomplishment that you have made it this far without making the blog. I cringe every time I see my name mentioned because I have no idea what he may be up to this time!
Good Luck with your new job!


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