Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend #Winners: Obama and The Earth; Weekend losers: bin Laden and The Donald

How was your weekend? On the whole, mine was good. A self-righteous 6 year old brat with an overdeveloped sense of right and wrong accused me of violating a 10 Commandment but I wasn't shot in the face and dumped at sea, so I'm not complaining.

Osama bin Laden

I know we're supposed to spell it Usama now, but I'm a traditionalist. As an aside, do you know why they changed it from Osama to Usama? Simple, the auto-correct feature inherent in today's technological devices auto-corrects Osama to Obama without notifying the user. Usama, I'm told, auto-corrects to "dirty wizard". Wacky.

Props to Obama for the way this was handled. I'm in the process of reading a book about the Kennedy Administration's Bay of Pigs fiasco, so I understand that this was a tough decision. I read a report this morning that the original plan called for two B-2 Bombers to deliver two dozen 2000 pound bombs to bin Laden's country estate. While I would've liked to have seen that footage, I'm glad that Obama pulled the plug on that plan and opted for the Seal Team. In hindsight, it's obvious they did the right thing. Last week, I'm sure hands were wrung and sleep was lost.

If you want more info on Seal Team 6, I'd recommend anything written by Richard Marcinko. He founded the team and his books, while fiction, do a nice job of detailing the methods and capabilities of the seals.

Did you hear about the guy who inadvertently live-blogged the assault via Twitter? (here) I love technology. Reminds me of last weekend when I was busy minding my own business and got sucked into an international affair (not that kind of affair) with Adam Lambert. This dude was just hanging out in Abottabad, Pakistan heard choppers and explosions, and let his fingers do the talking.

While the gentlemen mentioned above might have been the 1st to tweet about the invasion, he was definately not the last. A couple funny tweets I saw:

@binLaden - I retire as hide-and-seek champion of the world.

@GWBush - Sitting on the porch at Crawford Ranch, pounding non-alcoholic beer with my Toby Keith CD cranked up to 11!

A couple personal observations. A mansion located on 2 acres of land on the outskirts of town, without telephone or Internet service. That is exactly where I live! Of course, I don't consider my place a mansion exactly but it's a heckuva lot nicer than the pictures I saw of Osama's place. Further, I live alone so my square foot to resident ratio is 3000/1. Looked like Osama had them packed in there like sardines.

Memo to the Seals: If it gets to the point that my place needs a good invading, please park your choppers out front. I've spent the better part of 2 years planting and watering 200 trees in my backyard and I fear my level of resistance will be directly proportional to the damage your prop-wash does to my forest/gardens.

Finally, I've had about a half dozen web-hits from Pakistan in the past few weeks. I was operating under the assumption that it was bin Laden, but we now know that he didn't have access to the web at his compound, so I suppose he's not a big fan of bad satire and typos...


Outside of Christena's son Taylor and the occasional dinner with my nieces, I, fortunately, don't spend much time with children. So this weekend, one of Taylor's friends came over to play with him. The kid bought two pine-box derby cars that he'd made. A more child-friendly adult would've had the wisdom to say something like, "I like your cars". Not me. I said, "I'm envious of your cars." Harmless right?

Wrong. This little brat proceeds to tell me that I shouldn't covet my neighbors' possessions and I was breaking a 10 Commandment. He has no idea how close I came to either, breaking the murder commandment, or breaking his cars. Luckily for him, it was time for us to leave. So he, along with his cars, was spared. I was glad to hear that he didn't win any of his pine-box races...

Did you see the video of Obama's speech at the White House Correspondent's dinner? It was remarkably funny. Donald Trump, who was in attendance, was surprised that he was the butt of so many of the jokes. Offended so much that he later spoke out against the speech.

Donald, your entire life and career is one big joke. This farce of a presidential campaign your running? Joke. Your personal appearance? Joke. Buzz off.

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