Tuesday, August 17, 2010

(mostly) Satire free post

Over the past couple months I've attempted to use humor and satire to make a point about the state of our Union and/or it's leaders/citizenry. I did a piece on Obama and his race card here. And attempted to ridicule the anti-Mexican sentiment here. For more examples (and hilarity) you can re-read the entire Razor catalog. I'll link no more.

Today there will be no satire. Today I'm coming straight at you. I'm sick and tired of hearing these RINO's railing away about the Federal Government infringing on their freedom and liberty one minute and advocating that the Fed's infringe on someone else's the next. All the while never seeming to notice the irony...

You want an example? Good

A recent CNN poll found that 68 percent of Americans do not want a mosque built close to Ground Zero. Look man, this is America. Someone offers a piece of property for sale. Perhaps someone comes along and buys it. If the buyer happens to be Muslim and wants to build a mosque, deal with it. While I can't document it, I'd be willing to bet 68% of Americans have never ever seen a mosque.

Then we get hours and hours of supposedly conservative people begging the Government to step in and stop it. Why? Too close to Ground Zero. I understand that this is a sensitive place. But guess what? Ground Zero is in the United States of America.

Obama says, “As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”

Exactly. Just because the President is ruining health care, the federal budget, &c., doesn't mean he can't be right every now and then.

Don't want to live in a country that allows mosques? Fire up the DeLorean and move to 1930's Germany.

Is this building so hideous as to be offensive?

Prefer lower Manhattan at night? Would this be so bad?

As you are walking into your church this Sunday (or next Easter), look at the facility. Kinda boring right? Say what you will about the tenants of Islam, but their facilities are architectural works of art.

And when does this Governmental oversight stop? Your health care? The price of tea? Seat belts? I could go on, but you take my point.

To those arguing that we must respect the 3,000+ Americans who died on 9/11/01 in the World Trade Center, I agree. We honor their memories, we mourn their loss, they were innocent victims in the timeless battle of freedom vs. tyranny. Let's remember and honor our dead by staying free. Let's not beg for our Government to become more tyrannical or oversee more than it already does. Just as we honor the Pilgrims and the amazingly dangerous voyage they braved. And the Jews at Auschwitz (while not our countrymen, members of the human race).

Before you start with this moral equivalency crap, I appreciate the difference between zoning laws and gas chambers.

Vote however you must. Support whichever position floats your boat. More government, less government, whatever. Make your choice. But remember that you can't have it both ways.

To my friends at FoxNews, National Review, &c., thanks for all the good work you do. We need someone to push back against the liberal media, liberal agenda, &c. But must you mindlessly walk the Republic Party Line? At times it seems that the Repubs don't even think through their positions. If Obama's for it, they're against it. Which probably works 80%+ of the time. However, we as commentators and citizens don't have to follow this procedure.

Here is a video featuring a dude that knew how to use his brain. He understood smaller government and the Bill of Rights. Should be required viewing:

Last week I read that some municipalities are using Google Earth to look for illegal swimming pools. In America. One zoning board's radical Muslim is another zoning board's... (sorry, this analogy is so cumbersome that even I can't complete it).

As I prepare to publish this post I notice that there might be hints of sarcasm/satire. Sorry.

1 comment:

Randy Pemberton said...

Well said. Has there been a memorial built yet to the 3000+ who died? Where are the voices clamoring to build their memorial? Like most humans we are more vocal about being against things than being for things.

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