-Economy Subscription- On a budget? Don't love your dad that much? No problem. Attractively priced at $29.95, the economy subscription package says "Dad, I appreciate you teaching me to be cheap, have a nice year", while barely denting your already overdrawn checking account. Your father will receive an impersonal email from me with the message:
I never got along with my dad. Kids used to come up to me and say, "My dad can beat up your dad." I'd say, "Yeah? When?"
Of coursed his subscription will also include access to virtually* all of the content I produce throughout the year.
-Bronze Subscription- At $59.95, the Bronze package is ideal for those slicers who have a mediocre father. This middle of the road subscription includes a slightly more personal email message from me, and an official Adam's Razor Father's Day 2010 Coffee Mug**.

Clearly this mug contains a photo of my father. Your purchase can include a picture of your Dad. If your father is not particularly photogenic, I have several stock father photos for you to choose from.
His email will contain the greeting:
"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
-Silver Subscription- $99.95 When you care enough to send the (almost) very best. This package includes an email, the Coffee Mug**, and an official Adam's Razor Father's Day 2010 Polo Shirt.

Your father's email will contain the following message:
"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years."
-Gold Subscription***- $499.95 Would you like you father to be immortalized on The Razor? This is your chance. This package includes a highly personalized email, the Coffee Mug**, the Polo Shirt, and a blog post on his next birthday. Too good to be true? Hardly. You read it right. On your father's next birthday, he will be greeted with a heavy dose of e-lambasting right here on the Razor. Never before have I sold access to my sarcastic genius, but if you love your father enough, I'll hit him with the most linguistically creative e-roasting in my arsenal.
Happy Father's Day
* None of the above subscriptions entitle the recipient to any "Adam's Razor Platinum®" content.
** If your father is a worthless drunk, you can substitute an official Adam's Razor Father's Day 2010 Whisky Flask in lieu of the coffee mug. Picture not currently available...
*** Financing is available for the Gold Package. Two easy monthly payments of $150.00 followed by a slightly more difficult payment of 199.95
I Guess I know what I am getting for fathers day.
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