I salute her for the amount of research she put into her joke. Believable story, geographical details, etc. Very few of my friends would be willing to spend an entire Friday night surveying maps of eastern Tennessee, but I appreciate her commitment. I was so convinced that people might be actually worried about us, I put up a hasty Razor post (see below) late Friday night.
Unluckily for Amy, Christena and I are going on a weekend trip with her and Nathan (her husband) later this month. While on this mini-vacation Amy will be introduced to a whole other level of pranks and practical jokes. I'm looking forward to it.
For those that don't know Amy, here is her photo:

Wait a minute, that is a photo of the famous actress Ginnifer Goodwin.
Here is the picture of Amy:

I always get those two confused.
On to official Razor business...
My graphic designer and I have finally come to an agreement on the concept for the Official Adam's Razor Logo. Looks like we'll have the logo added to all of the Razor Merchandise before the "Back to School" Shopping Season.
One more exciting development. Our friends over at thestrowdblog taught me how to change my blog address. In the next week or two, you should be able to access the Razor by going to www.adamsrazor.com. I wanted the apostrophe, but it is apparently an illegal character...
Got some other posts/projects in the works so I'll see ya soon.
Wow, what a huge resemblance between Jennifer and that Amy Kennedy. She could actually be a look alike for Jennifer though Amy is a bit better looking than she is! Also, what a witty girl that Amy Kennedy is. If I am remembering correctly, Amy graduated from Dale County High School as your girlfriend Christena did. How wonderful that a girl once embraced by "the redneck jaws of Dale County" (I once heard it called this by a guy I know) pull off a prank on an old Rehobeth graduate! This is how I call it.
Kennedy - 1
Thomas - 0
An Anonoymous Razor Fan
I'm willing to accept your scoring method. I admitted she got us good. Just tune into the Razor on July 24th as the scoring will need to be updated to reflect our trip to the lake
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