Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Harlem's Finest, Airport (in)security, and the new Razor Gear

Despite Charlie Rangel's impassioned (and harmonious) plea to not be left swinging in the wind until November, his trial before the ethics committee was not held until this week. The verdict?
GUILTY! Once one of the most influential House members, he was convicted Tuesday on 11 counts of breaking ethics rules and now faces punishment. No idea what the consequences might be. How do you punish someone who already lives in Harlem?

The bright side is that I now have a reason to re-embed this video. It's really good:


From this report we learn that the TSA is now putting their hands down people's pants as part of security screening at airports. Forget John Tyner’s “don’t touch my junk” experience at the hands of TSA goons in San Diego recently, another victim of Big Sis was told by TSA officials that it was now policy to go even further when dealing with people wearing loose pants or shorts.

In related news, there will be fewer Razor posts over the next couple weeks. There is a cute security screener at the Orlando airport and I'll be cashing in all my frequent flyer miles...

Finally, the new Razor Gear, featuring the new Razor Logo, is now available. I've updated the Swag Shop link at the top of the screen to show the new stuff. Here is a preview:

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Now that you know what you'll be getting all of your friends and family for Christmas, you'll have plenty of time to read the Razor and marvel at my creativity. You're Welcome.


Anonymous said...

Fewer Razor posts.....can we donate frequent flyer miles?

Anonymous said...

That bumper sticker will look good next to my *AU* *National*Champs* bumper sticker.

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