Friday, November 12, 2010

An Exciting Announcement in the Life of the Razor!

Tens of thousands of years ago, an otherwise ordinary man did something extraordinary. The brutality of early human existence did not lend itself to idle acts of leisure and yet in the scramble to find the next meal, the next safe place to sleep, a man found the time to create the worlds' first work of art. Whether it was a crude wood carving, a simple painting on the wall of cave, or a talisman used in religious ceremonies has been lost in the pre-historic fog of antiquity. What was not lost was the effect that this seemingly simple act had on all who came after him. As technological advances gradually simplified the day to day activity of providing for one's basic needs, more time was allocated to pursuits of art and leisure.

In the intervening millennia, there have been a few works of art that were so distinct in their design and powerful in their message that they burned themselves into the hearts, minds, and souls of the collective human conscience. The majesty of such works can not be adequately captured with a communication system as weak the human voice. Rather, these images hold themselves transcendentally above the grasp of any one man, and serve as a reminder that we are all bound together by something greater than we can fully comprehend, a reminder that we share in something so powerful that it transforms an orb full of distinct individuals into Mankind.

Today, I am finally ready to unveil one such work to you. It is my hope that you are not intimidated by its grandeur, but embrace it as a symbol. Whatever your station in life, your political affiliation, your skin color, your marital status, we can all join together and treasure this emblem and what it represents, the culmination of the human experience, in digital format, Adam's Razor.

It would be an exercise in futility, and an affront to the elegance of the image, to try to comprehensively detail its purity. With that said, I would like to share a few details with my beloved Slicers.

At the forefront, the crosshairs are intended to strike fear in the hearts of philandering politicians, people approaching their birthday, and those who find misspelled words and typos offensive.

The understated and muted gray "A" was placed in the background, as if as an afterthought, to symbolize your humble Blogger, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that my Slicers are always on the cutting edge. This blog is not about me, the messenger.

Perhaps the most eye-catching component of this masterpiece is the bold, aggressive "R". As you can see, the "R" could not be completely contained within the crosshairs, just as the Razor can not be accurately categorized within one genre of blogs. The Razor is known to expand its borders, push the envelope (of decency), and meander into any and all topics, seeking out the maximum hilarity per mega-byte. The color red was chosen because no other color symbolizes aggression quite like red (and because that was the default color for various things when I started this blog).

As we fans of the Razor join together this weekend and celebrate the new logo, please remember to be gracious to those less fortunate. I think specifically of the followers of the Not only has The Strowd not posted anything in months, but he doesn't even have a professionally designed logo. Also, he hosts his blog on a Pentium 486 in his mom's garage. Yes, Slicers, we have a lot to be thankful for. Of course it is expected that you will be thrilled and enthusaistic about the logo and it is O.K. to show your loyalty, but as we interact with fans of less fortunate blogs, please keep the taunting to a minimum. Unless of course, they deserve it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you spent less than 30 seconds on this crap and did some work today.

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